Machines NaturaGriff Machines NaturaGriff Machines NaturaGriff Machines NaturaGriff Machines NaturaGriff Machines NaturaGriff
Garantie 5 ans

The Naturagriff inter-vine and inter-rows tollskits

For NaturaGriff machines we propose inter-vine and inter-rows tools which will adapt to your vinegrowing-machines as to your arboricultural machines allowing the mechanical weeding as well as the edge-cutting.

Inter-vine weeding brush

Inter-vine weeding brush NaturaGriff

Brush adaptable on NaturaGriff inter-rows-chassis :

Inter-vine-tool NaturaGriff: Edger 3 heads
Arboriculture - Edger NaturaGriff 3 heads
Weeding brush NaturaGriff inter-vine 1 head
Inter-vine-tool NaturaGriff: Weeding brush inter-vine 1 head
Weeding brush NaturaGriff inter-vine 1 head
Weeding brush NaturaGriff for arboriculture
Inter-vine-tool NaturaGriff: Weeding brush NaturaGriff for arboriculture
Weeding brush NaturaGriff for arboriculture
Inter-vine tools NaturaGriff
Weeding brush NaturaGriff
Weeding brush NaturaGriff
Inter-row-tools NaturaGriff: weeding brush
Weeding brush NaturaGriff
Inter-row-tools NaturaGriff
NaturaGriff inter-row tools
Xeeding brush NaturaGriff arboriculture
Weeding brush NaturaGriff arboriculture
Wear averages brushes for an engine speed of the tractor of 1200trs/min
linear km vine 1.6 to 1.8m vine 2 to 2.2m orchard 4m orchard 6m
300km 46ha 60ha 60ha 94ha

Inter-vine rotary harrow

Inter-vine rotary harrow NaturaGriff

Rotary harrow adaptable on NaturaGriff inter-rows-chassis :

Inter-vine rotary harrow
Inter-vine rotary harrow NaturaGriff
Inter-vine rotary harrow
Inter-vine rotary harrow NaturaGriff
Inter-vine rotary harrow
Inter-vine rotary harrow NaturaGriff
Rotary harrow for arboriculture
Rotary harrow for arboriculture
Rotary harrow for vinegrowing
Rotary harrow for vinegrowing

Inter-vine edgers

Inter-vine edgers NaturaGriff

Edgers adaptable on simple chassis with a coulter wheel :

Edgers adaptable on NaturaGriff pendular chassis or straddle :

Inter-vine edgers 1 head
Inter-vine edger 1 head
Inter-vine edgers
Inter-vine edgers NaturaGriff vinegrowing
Inter-vine edgers 3 heads
Inter-vine edgers NaturaGriff 3 heads arboriculture
Inter-vine edgers arboriculture
Inter-vine edgers NaturaGriff arboriculture
Inter-vine edgers
Inter-vine edgers vinegrowing
Inter-row edgers vinegrowing
Inter-row edgers NaturaGriff 4 heads arboriculture
Inter-vine edgers NaturaGriff 1 head

Inter-vine blade

Inter-vine blade NaturaGriff

Blade adaptable on NaturaGriff chassis or on straddle:

Inter-vine blade
Inter-vine blade

Hydraulic inter-row rotary harrow

Hydraulic inter-row rotary harrow NaturaGriff

Hydraulic inter-row rotary harrow adaptable at the back of the tractor, on straddle or on a pendulum chassis :

Hydraulic inter-row rotary harrow
Hydraulic inter-row rotary harrow NaturaGriff

Harrow with claws

Harrow with claws
Harrow with claws NaturaGriff

Inter-row harrow with claws adaptable at the back of the tractor, on straddle or on a pendulum chassis :

Support of plows

Plows adaptable at the back of the tractor :

Support of plows
Support of plows NaturaGriff
Support of plows
Support of plows NaturaGriff
Support of plows
Support of plows NaturaGriff

Tools holder-central-chassis

Tools holder-central-chassis
Tools holder-central-chassis

Tools-holder central chassis adaptable on all inter-vine tractors which has a power take-off and a back lifting :

Our material in guaranteed 2 years parts and hands of work.
This guarantee extends until 5 years for the hydraulics parts under conditions of maintenance*.
All our machines are manufactured with standard parts eassily available in trade.

*Except seals - check suppliers.

NATURAGRIFF-MACHINES 31bis route de Larchey 33650 SAINT MEDARD D'EYRANS (FRANCE) - +33 5 56 20 23 20 - Legal | Traduire en français | Diese Seite auf deutsch übersetzen

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